You’re Not Here to Fall in Line

Pam Parker Foley
4 min readSep 20, 2022

Let’s be real, building a business as a woman over 40 is just different. We do things differently, we’re not here to fall in line and do things the “traditional” way. We are hard-working, innovative, heart-centered go-getters.

The old paradigm of business, and the way it’s “always been done” is out —

We’re not here to do what we’re told.
To color within the lines.
To maintain the status quo.

We’re here to shake things up.
To do things differently.
To carve our own path.

The new paradigm of mission driven business, and leading with heart and purpose is in!

And it is my mission to support you in creating visibility for your mission driven business so that you can broaden your reach, increase your impact, and subsequently increase your revenue.

Why? Because when we put money in the hands of women who are mission driven and lead with their heart, we create a ripple effect of positive impact across our communities and the world.

But it’s not easy to go first. To be the one to…

Because it requires you to be seen, fully, in order to grow. Being visible as a mission-driven, woman-owned business means not only sharing what you do, but WHY you do it and WHY it matters. It requires you to be vulnerable, which is hard. But you can do hard things!

So, if you’re feeling in a slump with making your mission visible, start with connection. Invite your audience and ideal customers into your world by sharing your story with them.


The truth is, storytelling is the key to marketing. So tell yours. Share who you are, what you do, why you do it, and why it matters.

This is what creates connection with your ideal client. It’s what creates trust. And it’s what will have people seeking you out, buying from you, and recommending you to their friends and family.

How you do business is important. Why you do business is also important. Don’t keep that information to yourself.

Shout it from the rooftops.

Make people feel something. Tell your story in a way your ideal client will feel compelled to act — whether that means by becoming a client, signing up for your newsletter, or sharing it with a friend.

And above all else, share it in a way that is relatable and digestible. Remember — the point of your story is to create connections, to open dialogue, and build relationships.

Don’t wait, start the conversation with your audience today.

Still feeling stuck with where to start and how to extrapolate your story in a way that your audience will connect with you and your mission? Click here to book your FREE content audit today.

Just don’t wait til the first Monday in January to get started telling your story. Today might be just a random Tuesday in September, but there’s still 3-months left in 2022. Start today. Trust me, your business and your mission will thank you for it.

Remember — your mission matters and you were born to stand out.

That’s all the tea for this month! Tell me what your mission is that drives you and why it matters to you in the comments below. I love connecting with mission-driven women in business.

And if you’re wanting more tea on how to make your content stand out and make your mission visible — click HERE to receive daily short, sweet, and sometimes sassy tea straight to your inbox!



Pam Parker Foley

I write about writing for a living, trends in tech marketing, dogs, yoga & sometimes what’s for dinner.