Tale as Old as Time ⏳

Pam Parker Foley
4 min readAug 19, 2022

The importance of storytelling in marketing like Beauty & the Beast is a…

And honing your storytelling skills is essential in order to connect with your ideal client.

Your story is what builds your brand. Through sharing your story you have the opportunity to build relationships with your audience, helping you to create a loyal customer base that is aligned with your values and trusts in your expertise.

As a former divorce attorney, I’ve learned the importance of creating clear, concise stories. Because there’s no room for “flowery” language or cleverness in the courtroom.

I had to learn how to be persuasive using as few words as possible, which taught me to choose the most powerful elements of my clients story. Offering enough information to keep the reader (or in this case, the judge) interested enough to persuade them in my favor.

And this is exactly what you want to do with your marketing –

Tell your story in a clear and compelling way to engage your audience and persuade them to convert into loyal, paying clients.

This doesn’t mean making your content dry or devoid of personality and focusing only on the facts (though those are helpful) — it’s about learning to tell your story, infused with the facts, in a way that is intriguing and digestible for your audience, so that it is easy for them to engage.

If you’re feeling intimidated or not sure where to start, don’t fret! Lucky for you, I’ve done the trial by fire in the courtroom to learn how to craft a persuasive story that evokes action so that you don’t have to.

After reading this you’re going to feel as comfortable telling your story as Elle Woods feels using legal jargon in everyday life 😉

So, without further ado, here are my biggest takeaways that you can use for telling your story — without the stress of trying legal cases:

Firstly, you want your story idea to be solid and engaging from the get go.

You only have a short amount of time to share information with your reader. Don’t waste time faffing about, make the best use of your time with your reader by focusing on the main objective of your story. Reel them in from the beginning with a juicy hook that sinks into the heart of the matter.

Second, be clear and concise.

Remember, your readers are constantly being bombarded with messages from the billions of pieces of content that are created every single day. Don’t make them guess or work too hard to figure out what it is that you’re trying to tell them. Make it easy for them to engage by being direct.

Finally, write as if you are speaking directly to your intended audience.

Use language that they understand rather than getting wrapped up in technical jargon. While you may be the expert, your expertise is no good if you can’t relay it to your reader. They need to be able to understand how you can solve their problem, and that begins with them being able to understand what you’re saying. So when you’re telling your story, remember who you’re speaking to and speak directly to your ideal client. This makes it easy for them to engage with what you’re sharing by not getting lost in the jargon.


Tell a story with your content.

Make it digestible.

And remember — the point of your story is to create connections, build relationships, and have a conversation with your audience.

Keep these tips in mind the next time you go to write marketing content for your brand and you’ll be sure to increase engagement and sales ;)

And the next time you sit down to create content remember that…

And a well told story is a powerful thing!

Feeling like you might want some support in extracting and telling your story in a clear and compelling way?

This is exactly what we do at AOU Creative.

If you’re a woman-owned, mission driven business, we are here to help you get your message out to connect and build relationships with your ideal client to increase sales with SEO copywriting, content strategy, and social selling.

Curious about how we can help you? Book your FREE content audit HERE.

That’s the tea for this month! Let me know what part of honing your storytelling skills you’re needing support with right now in the comments below.

If you’re wanting more tea on how to make your content stand out, click HERE to receive daily short, sweet, and sometimes sassy tea straight to your inbox!



Pam Parker Foley

I write about writing for a living, trends in tech marketing, dogs, yoga & sometimes what’s for dinner.