It might be time to form an alliance 🤝

Pam Parker Foley
4 min readOct 20, 2022

We’ve all heard the phrase “power in numbers” before, but have you ever thought about applying that concept to your business?

Creating visibility within your own audience is great, and something you definitely still want and need to focus on. But what if you could expand your reach beyond your own audience through forming a strategic alliance 🤝

Forming an alliance, like in Survivor, makes you stronger and helps you go farther. In the business world this is done by creating a power partnership with a business in an industry that is complementary to your own.

This way you are both doubling your reach by cross-pollenating your message across your two audiences.

For example, as a copywriting agency owner, I might consider creating a power partnership with a web design business that is focused on building beautiful websites for empowered, purpose-driven female entrepreneurs.


Because every website needs copy written, and here at AOU we focus specifically on writing persuasive SEO based content that drives growth and visibility for women-owned businesses that are ready to get better leads and make more money. So you can see how forming an alliance would be mutually beneficial.

Our audiences inevitably will have a crossover of our ideal clients, and we can cross promote without watering down each other’s message or competing for clients.

It’s win win!

So, how does this alliance actually work?

There are a lot of ways you can collaborate to bolster one another and share with each others audiences including…

🎙Being a guest on their podcast to talk about how your work can support their audience

đź“śDoing a guest blog post and sharing your expertise with their audience

👩‍💻Have them interview you live on Instagram to share more about your work

📧Have them highlight you and your work in their newsletter

These are just a few suggestions of how you can create a powerful partnership with businesses in complementary industries to your own. Get creative with it and come up with ways that feel exciting for you to partner with others to share your work with the world.

Don’t wait to get started! Consider this your permission slip to go find 5 businesses you can reach out to about partnering with today.

Remember, the backbone of business is relationships. Not only with your audience and your clients, but with other like minded businesses too!

The sky’s the limit for what you can achieve when you create meaningful connections and partnerships. I recently signed a client and met a new power partner from a podcast I did. One hour of my time chatting with the hosts built new relationships and led to a 6-figure deal.

Worth it? I think so!

Additionally — with the end of the year nearing, this is a great way to support you in hitting those sales goals. You just have to do the work to find potential partners and reach out.

And when you do, don’t forget to highlight how you can help them too. Remember this is about creating relationships and helping each other out, it’s not just about you.

There are potential power partners everywhere, on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram — put the word out there that you’re looking for people to partner with, I can guarantee you that there are people in your audience who would love the opportunity to work with you in this way. You may even have a potential partner in your past or present client roster. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask, the worst thing they can do is say no, and that’s ok!

Alright, that’s the tea for this month!

Tell me in the comments below what industry you’re looking to partner with, maybe you’ll find someone to form an alliance with 🤝

And if you’re wanting more tea on SEO and persuasive copywriting, I’ve got you! Click HERE to receive daily short, sweet, and sometimes sassy tea straight to your inbox!



Pam Parker Foley

I write about writing for a living, trends in tech marketing, dogs, yoga & sometimes what’s for dinner.